Initially submitted in April 2022, faced a setback with a refusal in September 2022. Appeals were promptly filed in November 2022. However, given the urgency expressed by our client, we pursued a Judicial Review in the High Court in May 2023 against the delay in decision on the Appeals. The first hearing was scheduled for June 12, 2023, but was adjourned to June 23, 2023. Again, it was further adjourned to July 14, 2023, as there was no representation on behalf of the Minister.
On July 14, 2023, the Minister requested a two-week adjournment. Unfortunately, due to the Court’s vacation schedule, the next available hearing date was October 5, 2023. However, it was further adjourned to October 20, 2023, as the State’s solicitor had not received the Minister’s instructions four days prior to the hearing.
Remarkably, just four days before the scheduled hearing on October 20, 2023, Ministerial approval for the appeals was received and confirmed via email.
In addition to other complexities, a critical issue arose from the divorces of the couple. The sponsor’s divorce was issued from an EU country, while the applicant’s divorce, originating in Pakistan, had not followed the proper channels and was not accepted by the visa officer and visa application was refused.